In 2016, Amy and Dwight Irwin, Ripley residents and the Publishers of Grey-Bruce Kids and Grey-Bruce Boomers magazines, launched their newest publication, Huron-Perth Boomers, a full-colour, glossy, premiere magazine that directly targets adults 50+ in the region.

The first issue was released on March 1, 2016, and 5,000 copies are picked up for free at locations across Huron and Perth counties, including Stratford and St. Marys.

Stories are written by local people for local people, on a variety of topics including health and wellness, travel, finance, recreation, personal feature stories and many other informative areas of interest to the Baby Boomer generation.

We welcome your feedback at amy@huronperthboomers.comBe sure to follow us on Facebook and share our posts and this magazine with your friends!

If you would like more information about the magazine, writing articles or advertising information, please email Amy at or call 519-524-0101.