Well, we made it through another Huron/Perth winter!

Though March often brings its share of unpredictable weather, I think we got off pretty lucky with our winter, despite dire predictions this past fall about a long, cold one. I’m always ready to welcome spring and its longer, brighter days, the first signs of green poking through, and nice rains to wash away winter’s salt, dirt and grime. Bring it on!

I think we have really brought it on in our Spring 2017 issue of Huron-Perth Boomers, which also happens to mark our first anniversary! Thank you to all our readers, writers, distributors and advertisers for helping to create and sustain the area’s only free magazine for adults 50+! The feedback we have received over the past year about Huron-Perth Boomers has been nothing short of amazing, and we will continue to inform and entertain local Baby Boomers for many years to come.

There are plenty of great stories in this issue about local people, written by local authors. Learn more about the misconceptions of local food banks, written by Steve Stacey of The Local Community Food Centre. Live vicariously through writer Elizabeth Bundy-Cooper as she recalls a trip to Belize. Local historian Jodi Jerome explores the history of the Huron County Museum, while volunteer extraordinare Jean Aitcheson shares her adventures of helping thousands of others in South America in our Bucket List feature. Read these stories and so much more in our Spring issue!

As always, thank you for reading and sharing Huron-Perth Boomers, and for supporting our advertisers. Be sure to like us on Facebook and feel free to send us a note at amy@huronperthboomers.com to let us know how we are doing, and have a fantastic Spring!

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